Apply to INTRO to IMPRO

Here, you can apply to the BEGINNER’S COURSE. Please note that your first session is completely FREE and NON-BINDING. You are welcome to come and try it out to see if it is something for you.

If you decide to commit to the course, we can discuss payment options. We want to make this course accessible to as many as possible.

The course begins on Tuesday, March 12th 2024 at 17:30 at  Bankastræti 2, 101 Reykjavík (Mama Restaurant, White Lotus venue). Please contact us via e-mail if you cannot make it to the first session but would still like to try it out.

UPDATE on March 5th, 2024: The first session on March 12th is currently FULL.

We will be accepting applications and adding you to our WAITING LIST. If anybody cancels, we will inform and ask you to confirm attendance.

If spots will be available on March 19th, we will also inform you of that. If you have any previous experience with improvisation theatre, we invite you to apply for I KNOW some IMPRO (intermediate course).